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Consumer Complaint Process

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consumer complaint




File a Consumer Complaint through the online Consumer Complaint Form.
reviewed if within jurisdiction


The Consumer Complaint will be reviewed by Compliance Staff to determine if the complaint is within the jurisdiction of the Board.


Complaints within Board jurisdiction are investigated and  discipline is imposed when necessary. 
verify license


Follow up by checking our "Verify a License" page to ensure your stylist and salon is licensed by the Board and is free of discipline. 

Consumer Complaint Information

When a consumer receives or knows of an unsafe, unsanitary, and/or unlawful beauty-related service being provided, a consumer complaint form should be completed in order for an investigation to be performed.


Before a consumer complaint is investigated, the complaint details are reviewed to determine whether the alleged violations are within the jurisdiction of the Board of Cosmetology. 


Pursuant to NRS 644A.870 a complaint filed with the Board along with all documents and other information filed with the complaint and all documents and information considered by the Board when determining whether to initiate disciplinary action against a person are confidential.  If formal disciplinary action is initiated pursuant to NRS 622A all documents and information considered by the Board when determining whether to impose discipline are public records. 


If you experienced unsafe and/or unsanitary services, we would like to hear from you. Please complete the online Consumer Complaint Form


Please note! The Board does not have the authority to compel a salon or individual to issue a refund. 



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