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Open a School

Opening a school in Nevada includes multiple governmental agencies involvement. We recommend that each prospective school owner carefully review the requirements outlined below. Once the information has been thoroughly reviewed, please contact us at to schedule a meeting to discuss the school opening process in more detail.

Application Requirements


  • A detailed floor plan of the proposed school;

  • The name, address, and number of the license of the manager or person in charge and of each instructor;

  • Evidence of financial ability to provide the facilities and equipment required by regulations of the Board and to maintain the operation of the proposed school for 1 year;

  • Proof that the proposed school will commence operation with an enrollment of a number of students acceptable to the Board;

  • The applicable fee for a license;

  • A copy of the contract for the enrollment of a student in a program at the school of cosmetology;

  • The name and address of the person designated to accept service of process;

  • Is suitably located;

  • Contains adequate floor space and adequate equipment;

  • Has a contract for the enrollment of a student in a program at the school of cosmetology that is approved by the Board; and pays a license fee

  • For 2 years, not less than $500 and not more than $800; or

  • For 4 years, not less than $1,000 and not more than $1,600; and

  • Meets all requirements established by regulations of the Board.


School Size Requirements


Each school of cosmetology must meet with following minimum size requirements:


  • Cosmetologists, for each 25 such students in attendance, at least 5,000 square feet of floor space;

  • Hair designers, for each 20 such students in attendance, at least 3,500 square feet of floor space;

  • Estheticians, for each 20 such students in attendance, at least 3,500 square feet of floor space; or

  • Nail technologists, for each 20 such students in attendance, at least 2,500 square feet of floor space; and

  • Provide properly equipped lecture rooms of sufficient size to accommodate all students;

  • Provide separate lockers with sufficient space to store the student’s equipment; and

  • Provide a document signed by the fire marshal who has jurisdiction over the location of the school stating that the placement of the equipment and the square footage provided for the maximum number of proposed students complies with all applicable laws, regulations and codes relating to protection from fire.


School Equipment Requirements




  1. Closed waste containers of sufficient size and in sufficient quantity to permit the disposal of all refuse and waste matter by the school and its students.

  2. One device approved by the Board for use by the students to record their hours of training at the school.

  3. One chair and writing surface for each student in classes on theory.

  4. Mirrors, worktables and styling chairs of sufficient number to accommodate the students enrolled.

  5. At least one textbook per student in either physical or electronic format and adequate reference material, charts, teaching aids and other materials to support the instruction in the school.

  6. Adequate and safe electrical outlets.




  1. Twenty-five work stations with styling chairs.

  2. Seven shampoo bowls.

  3. Five hair dryers which may be portable or stationary.

  4. Two facial chairs.

  5. Eight nail technology tables with two chairs per table.

  6. One chair for each student in attendance.

  7. One writing surface for each student in attendance.

  8. Two mannequins for each student in attendance.

  9. One tripod or mannequin clamp for each student in attendance.

  10. One kit for each student in attendance which contains an adequate number of blow dryers, shampoo capes, smocks or aprons, brushes, combs, haircutting implements, esthetic supplies and nail technology supplies.

  11. An adequate number of marcelling irons, flat irons and curling irons to allow students to perform the tasks required by the curriculum.

  12. An adequate amount of other supplies and instruments to allow students to perform the tasks required by the curriculum.

  13. An adequate amount of wet disinfectants.




  1. Twenty work stations.

  2. Twenty styling chairs.

  3. Seven shampoo bowls.

  4. Five hair dryers which may be portable or stationary.

  5. One chair for each student in attendance.

  6. One writing surface for each student in attendance.

  7. Two mannequins for each student in attendance.

  8. One tripod or mannequin clamp for each student in attendance.

  9. One kit for each student in attendance which contains an adequate number of shampoo capes, smocks or aprons, brushes, combs and haircutting implements.

  10. An adequate number of marcelling irons, flat irons and curling irons to allow students to perform the tasks required by the curriculum.

  11. An adequate amount of other supplies and instruments to allow students to perform the tasks required by the curriculum.

  12. An adequate amount of wet disinfectants.




  1. Five facial chairs.

  2. Five facial machines designed to perform esthetic procedures within the legal scope of services.

  3. Five facial steamers.

  4. Five towel warmers.

  5. Five waxing units.

  6. One chair for each student in attendance.

  7. One writing surface for each student in attendance.

  8. One mannequin for each student in attendance.

  9. One tripod or mannequin clamp for each student in attendance.

  10. One kit for each student in attendance which contains an adequate amount of facial supplies.

  11. An adequate amount of skin care products to allow students to perform the tasks required by the curriculum.

  12. An adequate amount of wet disinfectants.




  1. Ten manicure tables with two chairs per table.

  2. Five pedicure chairs with foot basins.

  3. One chair for each student in attendance.

  4. One writing surface for each student in attendance.

  5. An adequate number of mannequin hands or fingers for each student in attendance.

  6. One mannequin hand clamp for each student in attendance.

  7. One kit for each student in attendance which contains an adequate amount of implements and nail care supplies for manicures and pedicures.

  8. An adequate amount of nail care products for each student in attendance.

  9. An adequate amount of wet disinfectants.


Hours of Operation 
7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Monday through Thursday
Phone: 702-508-0015
Las Vegas Office Address 
8945 West Russell Road, Suite 200
Las Vegas, Nevada 89148
Reno Office Address 
740 Del Monte Lane, Suite 12
Reno, Nevada 89511
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